Find your public IP address
Get local IP addresses by using PowerShell
Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPV4
Сheck which program is using a port
- Displays all connections and listening ports to find a necessary.
netstat -ano
or use the command:
netstat -ano | findstr :port_number
replace port_number with the number of the port you want to check.
- Finding Process with PID in Task Manager
- Once you have the PID from the netstat command, open Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc).
- Go to the “Details” tab.
- Click on “View” in the menu bar and select “Columns.”
- Check “PID (Process Identifier)” to display the PID column.
- Look for the PID identified in the netstat command. This will show you the program associated with that PID.
Folder where the hosts file is located (default)
cat /mnt/c/Windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts
Get-Content C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts